Sage 100 Enhancements

Leverage your investment with expanded functionality.

Enhancements help to extend Sage 100 functionality by bringing dozens of custom and proprietary solutions to leverage your existing investment by expanding current features and components of Sage 100.

Stewart Tech is proud to work with DSD, who creates many of the Sage 100 enhancements listed below, along with ROI Consulting for In-Synch(R) data synchronization.

Instadocs   |   Multi-Company   |   Service Center   |   Purchase Order   |   Sales Order   |   IN-SYNCH   |   E-Link 

Instadocs for Sage 100

APDM – APDM A/P InstaDocs

This enhancement allows electronic documents to be stored, viewed and accessed within Sage 100 ERP.

ARDM – ARDM – A/R InstaDocs

Accounts Receivable InstaDocs allows electronic documents to be stored, viewed and accessed within Sage 100 ERP.

GLDM – G/L InstaDocs

General Ledger InstaDocs allows electronic documents to be stored, viewed and accessed within Sage 100 ERP.

IMDM – IMDM – I/M InstaDocs

Inventory Management InstaDocs allows electronic documents to be stored, viewed and accessed within Sage 100 ERP.

PODM – PODM – P/O InstaDocs

Purchase Order InstaDocs allows electronic documents to be stored, viewed and accessed within Sage 100 ERP.

JCDM – JCDM – Job Cost InstaDocs

Job Cost InstaDocs allows electronic documents to be stored, viewed and accessed within Sage 100 ERP.

SODM – SODM – InstaDocs

Sales Order InstaDocs allows electronic documents to be stored, viewed and accessed within Sage 100 ERP.

RADM – RADM – InstaDocs

Return Merchandise Authorization InstaDocs allows electronic documents to be stored, viewed and accessed within Sage 100 ERP.

SMDM – SMDM DSD Service Center InstaDocs

Service Center InstaDocs for Sage 100 allows electronic documents to be stored, viewed and accessed within Sage 100 ERP. It is the first and only document management solution to be embedded within Sage 100 ERP. This unique electronic document storage solution provides easy access of documents relating to specific records.

PRDM – PRDM – Payroll InstaDocs

Payroll InstaDocs allows electronic documents to be stored, viewed and accessed within Sage 100 ERP. It is the first and only document management solution to be embedded within Sage 100 ERP. This unique electronic document storage solution provides easy access of documents relating to specific records.

Multi-Company Enhancement for Sage 100

APMU – APMU Multi-Company Accounts Payable
This DSD enhancement allows a managing company’s Accounts Payable department to process A/P transactions for an unlimited number of “subsidiary” companies

ARMU – ARMU Multi-Company A/R Invoice Entry

Multi-Company A/R Invoice Entry for Sage 100 has been designed to allow a managing company to process A/R Invoice Entry transactions for Miscellaneous Item Code lines for an unlimited number of “subsidiary” companies.

GLMU – GLMU Multi-Company General Ledger

GLMU Multi-Company for Sage 100 is designed to allow a managing company to process G/L transactions for an unlimited number of “subsidiary” companies. GLMU is compatible with DSD APMU. They can be used together or separately.

IMIC – IMIC Inventory Masterfile Synchronization

IMIC Inventory Masterfile Synchronization for Sage 100 allows the user adding new inventory items in Item Maintenance, to automatically copy those new items to other company’s Inventory Masterfile.

POMU – POMU Multi-Company Purchase Order

POMU Multi-Company Purchase Order for Sage 100 has modified Purchase Order Entry, PO Receipts Entry & PO Return Entry to have a new Company Code on the Lines Tab Secondary Grid, above the G/L Account Number – for Miscellaneous Items ONLY

Service Center Enhancement for Sage 100

SMSM – SMSM – Service Center

The Service Center module keeps your company in touch with your customers and with the products you sell and service. Service Center allows you to track warranties, return products, exchange items, and process repair orders.

Purchase Order Audit Tracking Enhancement for Sage 100

POAT – POAT – Purchase Order Audit Tracking

The PO Audit Tracking Enhancement from DSD Business Systems provides detailed audit tracking for the Purchase Order module. Each field in Purchase Order (Header and Lines) is tracked to show the original field value, the new field value, when the change was made and the user who made the change. Users can select to track Additions, Changes, Deletions or All changes to Purchase Orders. Additionally, the enhancement will also track which program the change originated from.

Sales Order Audit Tracking Enhancement for Sage 100

SOAT – SOAT – Sales Order Audit Tracking

The SO Audit Tracking (SOAT) Enhancement from DSD Business Systems provides detailed audit tracking for the Sales Order module. Each field in Sales Order (Header and Lines) is tracked to show the original field value, the new field value, when the change was made and the user who made the change. Users can select to track Additions, Changes, Deletions or All changes to Sales Orders. Additionally, the enhancement will also track which program the change originated from.

Accounts Receivable Enhancement for Sage 100

ARIN – ARIN 12-char AR/SO Invoice Number

Expanded AR/SO Invoice Number (ARIN) for Sage 100 has expanded the Invoice Number fields in the following modules to 12-characters.

ARST – ARST A/R ServiceTrade Integration

This DSD enhancement allows and integration between Sage 100 and ServiceTrade, using a REST API protocol.

ROI IN-SYNCH for Sage 100


IN-SYNCH® is a Sage 100 installed application that provides real-time data synchronization with any third-party system. IN-SYNCH is a flexible tool that can be used for multiple types of integration needs – from just the basics to complex, customized systems.

E-Link System – CertiPro
E-Link forms a deep integration that synchronizes your eCommerce data and functionality with Sage 100 in real-time. It manages all data connection points for Customer Portals and B2B/B2C eCommerce. It’s highly customizable and can provide the specific functionality you need.