In the fast-paced world of technology, businesses often face challenges that can disrupt operations and erode trust in service providers. Identifying these common pitfalls, or “sins,” allows you to choose the correct software and IT infrastructure for your business – and the right company to partner with. Stewart Tech identifies the Seven Deadly Sins of SaaS (Software as a Service) in this blog post.
Transforming Credit Hold Management with Sage Alerts and Workflow
Discover how Stewart Tech’s innovative approach of Sage Alerts and Workflow helped one manufacturing client optimize workflow for better efficiency.
Helping You Succeed. This Is What a Good IT Team Can Do.
Every business needs IT! A good IT partner can help your business succeed and grow. Read Stewart Tech’s blog to learn how.
Less Doing, More Living: #7 Delegating Payroll (Continued)
Stewart Tech CFO and Accounting Systems Lead Tara Schinkel shares her journey of “Less Doing, More Living,” and how optimization, automation, and delegation continue to transform her business and her life. This seventh blog in the series explains how delegating the payroll process at Stewart Tech helped Tara embrace a self-managing mindset. This is the continuation from the first step of delegating payroll – automating and outsourcing.
Less Doing, More Living: #6 Delegating our Payroll Process
Stewart Tech CFO and Accounting Systems Lead Tara Schinkel shares her journey of “Less Doing, More Living,” and how optimization, automation, and delegation continue to transform her business and her life. This sixth blog in the series explains how Stewart Tech automated and delegated the payroll process steps to minimize Tara’s personal involvement.
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