

IT in 2025: Review These Key Needs

end of year planning, IT, IT Planning, Tech replacements

As we near the end of 2024, we’ve been busy preparing our end-of-year needs here at Stewart Tech. While there are many departmental needs to consider when you’re a small business owner trying to “foresee the future” of your company’s needs for the coming year, there are some IT and technology possibilities to consider – and budget for – as well including planned replacement upgrades in 2025.


The 7 Deadly Sins of Saas (Software as a Service)

SaaS, Software as a Service

In the fast-paced world of technology, businesses often face challenges that can disrupt operations and erode trust in service providers. Identifying these common pitfalls, or “sins,” allows you to choose the correct software and IT infrastructure for your business – and the right company to partner with. Stewart Tech identifies the Seven Deadly Sins of SaaS (Software as a Service) in this blog post.


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